Thursday, February 11, 2010


It's funny the memories that come at the strangest times and the overwhelming grief ensued.

Shaved heads.

Fuzzy, closely shaved heads.

Josh always wore his hair short and I loved to rub his head. "Awe, Mom, do you have to rub my head?""Yes," I would reply. I HAVE to rub your fuzzy head. He would roll his eyes but smile. I would smile. I miss rubbing that fuzzy head.

Ripe Olives.

He called them "thumbs". When he was little, he would place them carefully on each finger and then eat them off, one at a time. He didn't know they were called "olives", he simply called them "thumbs". As a teenager, he would still do this trick and I would roll my eyes and he would smile.

Boiled eggs.

Josh didn't liked them deviled, but loved them boiled and whole. Every plate of eggs I made, I left a few whole in the center just for Josh. I made deviled eggs this weekend, but there was no one here to eat the whole ones.

I miss you, buddy. I miss you so much!

Originally posted February 9, 2009

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