Saturday, February 13, 2010

We Never Say Goodbye

Sheldon VanAuken, a good friend of author C.S. Lewis, was leaving England and
returning to the United States. The two old friends talked about many things that last day at
lunch. Life, friendship, the good times they’d had -- even death.
Lewis said that he hoped VanAuken and his wife would return soon to England for
a visit. But then he added, “At all events...we’ll certainly meet again, here -- or there.”
They finished their tea, and Lewis said to his friend: “I won’t say goodbye. We’ll meet
So Lewis crossed the busy street while VanAuken stood there watching. When
Lewis arrived on the other side, he turned, waved and shouted something. VanAuken, who
couldn’t understand because of the traffic, shook his head. So Lewis shouted even louder:
“Christians never say goodbye!”
I think that Angela would like that story. Christians really don’t ever say goodbye.
Because we will meet again, if not here then in heaven, the fairest place of all.

Pastor Joel Ballew
From the memorial service for Angela.

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