Dreams can sometimes shake us to our very soul. Do they have any real significant meaning? Or, are they just a chaotic mixture of all the crazy stuff going through our head? I am sure there must be scientist who have studied dreams and I know there are dream interpreters but how much can anyone really know about dreams? They are so personal and so unique. Most of them vanish when we wake and we never think of them again. Sometimes, they stick with us forever.
Does God use dreams to "speak" to us? Perhaps. I don't want to be too theological about the subject of dreams, but I know the Bible speaks of God using dreams to warn people of things to come or to speak to them in some way. So, would he speak to us the same way today? Maybe.
To say that we are touched by God in our dreams would probably leave most people shaking their heads and running in the opposite direction as they would think that we have lost our minds. However, I do feel that I have been touched in that way. Sometimes those dreams have been disturbing and foreshadowed something terrible that was to come. I had a terrible dream the night that Josh died. In fact, I "saw" the murder in my head and woke myself up before the phone rang at 2:30 am to tell me that he had been shot and was dying. There is no logical way to explain why my brain would know what was happening before my ears even received the message.
Years ago, I had a dream that I was being taken out of this world. I could feel my spirit rising to meet my Maker and I begged Him to let me live a little longer because I had two children to nurture and protect. I felt a peace as in my dream my spirit began to settle back to earth. I held on to that dream for many years when things go bad around me and life was such a struggle. I felt it was God's way of telling me that my purpose was to be here for my children who needed me.
After Josh died, I had dreams where I would be talking to him and he would tell me that he loved me. The dreams were so real and I would wake realizing he was no longer on this earth but at the same time, with the feeling that I had just been able to spend time with him in some way.
When Alissa had to leave shortly after Josh's death and go out of state, I could hardly stand the thought. On the way to the airport, I fell into a deep sleep and I saw Josh getting on the plane with her. When I woke sobbing, I was both hurting and comforted at the same time.
Last night I had a dream. In my dream I could hear Joshua talking and he sounded like he needed me. I began to go up a flight of steps but then began to rise without touching the steps. I stopped myself and made myself touch the steps and climb up them. When I got to the top, there was a whole loft full of happy young boys that I did not recognize who were playing board games, laughing and having a great time. There was Josh playing a game with a friend. I could only stand on the steps. I could not go onto the loft. Josh just smiled at me and indicated that he was fine, that he was happy, that he was at peace, and that he was hanging out with his friends. I went to go to him but he started walking away. I cried out for him to return but he said he had to go, not to worry and to go back to Alissa because she needed me.
I woke with the realization that it was only a dream and yet it felt as though I had just spent time with my son.
Just a dream? Perhaps.
Maybe it means nothing but then again, God can use anything for His purpose, even dreams.
Originally posted August 15, 2009
Journal Entries January 20 to January 26, 2025
5 weeks ago
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