Saturday, September 27, 2008


This day was almost unbearable. My very soul cried out for relief from the pain. The pain did not lesson, but along the way, God sent Angels to help lift me up. An angel from Alaska called and made me laugh with a fun song about heaven. An angel from New York encouraged me to write and I began to journal my feelings in this blog. An angel in the form of my mother in law came and sat with me for part of the afternoon. Teenage and young adult angels filled my home with laughter for a while. My angel husband held me and let me cry. My angel daughter wrote me sweet notes and told me she loved me. Angels came in the form of my dogs and cows. A sweet, sweet angel called from Colorado who knew my son and gave me messages from Heaven. An angel in Nebraska was looking out for my health. The angels continue to minister, to reach out to me, to love me...............................I am not alone.

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