Friday, March 19, 2010

The Voicemail

I have a voicemail message from Josh on my phone. I have been listening to it for a year and a half now. I love to hear that familiar voice on the other end of the phone and just pretend for a moment that Josh is still here. In the message he says, "I love you" and sounds light hearted and free. I love to hear him say it that way. I always say back, "I love you too, Josh" knowing he is not really on the other end of the line. At the end of the message a Verizon operator says, "If you would like to return this call, press 88". Everytime I hear that I want to press 88 so that I can talk to my baby again. As long as I keep listening to that message and saving it, it stays in my voicemail. I can't listen to it every day because it makes me cry. Sometimes I have a sudden panic attack and think, "Oh my gosh, when was the last time I listened to that message? Has it been longer than 40 days? Did I lose it? I panic until I once again here Josh's sweet voice saying he loves me and then I cry.


The Homely Animal said...

I found this blog through looking up information on mini jerseys on your main blog. My little girl has cancer and reading through your blog has touched upon so many feelings in my heart. I am grateful for your openness and honesty with your grief process. I am determined to cherish every day that I have left with my girl. I am convinced that to lose a child is the cruelest of all experiences that can come to a parent.

The Homely Animal said...

I never want to stop hearing her voice.

Maple Lawn Farm said...

Thank you for writing to me. I am sorry that I did not see your comments before this. I am so very sorry that your little girl has cancer. I will pray for her as she comes to mind. From one mother to another, my heart goes out to you and I pray for strength for you and a miracle for your family.